Save Darfur Club


The purpose of this club is to educate the students of Brooklyn Technical High School about Darfur.  We also do many fundraisers to raise money to donate to Save Darfur organizations.
Election Process
       I.      An application will be given to all the candidates who want to run for officer.
    II.      Each application will be reviewed by the officers.
 III.      Each candidate will be required to attend a group interview.  If they move onto the second round, they will be
             interviewed individually.

Impeachment Rules
       I.      Excessive lateness/absence
    II.      No contribution to the club
 III.      Disrespectful and rude
 IV.      If you are absent for the first three times will be excused.  However, any missed meets after your third time,
           you are required to have a legitimate excuse.

Requirements of a Darfur Member
                   I.      Each club member is allowed to be excused from their first three absences.  Any missed meets after
                    your third time will need a legitimate excuse.  If you need to go to tutoring then you will come to club
                    after 10th period.
                II.      Each club member that shows up ten minutes late after the bell rings without a legitimate excuse will
                    be marked absent.
             III.      Each club member is mandated to attend at least one after school fundraising activity.
             IV.      Each club member must show respect to other members.  If you have something disrespectful to say, do
                    not say it.
                V.      If a club member fails to follow all of these requirements, they will not receive any credit from this club.